Table of Contents path: iModel Menus & Tools > Planes > Solve Plane Pitch - general information >
One example of how you can use the Unknown plane pitch with ridge selection is this roof job that needs the porch pitch figured to break at the front door wall.
1. Place in the know pitches in this case they will be 8/12 with a 2 heel.
2. Place in the unknow pitch by using U in the pitch box on the porch beam.
3. Solve the known pitches which will give you the ridge you need at the front door wall.
4. Click on the solve unknow pitch button and choose the ridge option from the below left tabs.
5. Then click on the unknown plane and then pick the ridge that you need to break at.
6. Choose to maintain heel and overhang on the porch pitch in this example.
7. You may then continue to solve the plane that the pitch was just figured on.
Attached is the .lay file if you need to open to better understand.
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