Truss accuracy is extremely important, particularly as a job approaches completion and production. It would be quite problematic to get to the production state only to later discover that any truss was labeled incorrectly, had the wrong quantity, or that the truss on the layout did not match the truss's profile.
The Job Audit exists to detect such issues, and to help to correct them. The Job Audit can be found in the Job Designer toolbar. When you click the icon to launch the tool, a text document will appear which displays various statuses of each truss. The program examines each truss by tag number to determine if there is a mismatch in any of three categories - link, label, or quantity. If a mismatch is found, it will be indicated under the "Status" column. Note here that you can turn on "Verbose" mode under the Options menu to display only items which still have a problem detected. A job in which there are no issues to correct would then display an empty list, which is ultimately the goal.
To begin working through and correcting the issues displayed, it is important to understand what each category refers to and what each status means and what may cause it. There are a variety of possible combinations of issues, but most can be summarized into relatively simple terms. If there is a disagreement in any category between any of the columns - Layout, Database, Job Folder - then the status will display either WARNING or PROBLEM. There is a variety of possible combinations which can produce these issues, but I will generally describe a few below.
If there is a quantity difference, but the quantity on the layout is known to be correct, the issue can typically be corrected by entering the correct quantity for the truss in the job items grid of iCommand. You can refresh the truss list in iModel/iDesign by right clicking and choosing "Refresh TrussList" and you should see the quantity update appropriately. The same is the case if the label on the layout is correct but it is incorrect in the database - it can be corrected in the "Description" column of the job items grid in iCommand. Please note that if the issue/difference was in the truss file quantity or label, this will not resolve that issue. To correct the truss file quantity or label the truss must be re-run and re-saved with the correct information entered into the save truss dialog.
If the truss quantity on the layout is the different one and appears to be incorrect, it may be that there is a truss which needs to be combined with others (this would be evidenced by another entry in the audit corresponding to the truss needing to be combined, possibly with the same label but with "n/a" shown for the database and truss file columns) or there may simply be a truss missing that perhaps needs to be repeated. Solutions here will differ according to the layout but these are the things you would want to look for.
In the case of an issue indicated in the label of a truss on layout, but the database and truss file are correct, it may be as simple as the truss missing a label altogether, or the label needing to be corrected via the "change label" tool.
An issue indicated for the Link line under any column simply means that truss is absent in the indicated area (layout, database, or truss file). It may be that the truss is completely absent from the layout and as such needs to be added (or repeated, combined, or saved to layout). It may be that the truss as yet needs to be run, or it may be that it is in the database but no file exists for it, in which case it may need to be deleted from the database and replaced with the correct truss from layout or from iDesign.
Finally, there is one more issue that can be corrected using the Job Audit tool. It can happen sometimes that a truss is linked incorrectly in such a way that, when using the view truss tool, a clearly incorrect truss profile is shown. This can be a challenge to correct in some cases, since the truss profile shown may be the correct profile for another truss on layout, which in turn is exhibiting the same issue. One way to correct this issue is to employ the "Save to Layout" option when saving the truss in iDesign, and then selecting the correct truss, but another way is using the Job Audit tool. When you click to open the job audit tool, in addition to the audit appearing on screen, there is also a command shown below saying to "Select truss from list to link to layout". What this will do is permit you to directly select a truss already present in your truss list and then click on the appropriate truss in the layout to which to link it. In the event of cascading issues like mentioned just before, this may not be the end of the issues, but you should be able to work through such issues in this way in many cases. It is important to be sure that you have the truss you need, in an effort to not make matters worse.
These sort of issues can be somewhat complicated to manage and understand, but hopefully this gives you a foundation to work off of to correct them if they appear in the future. Of course we are always available at the Alpine Helpdesk to help answer any further questions you might have.
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