Have you ever imported a drawing file and when you clicked on Zoom All, you only got a blank screen? Or have you ever had a layout that you couldn’t add trusses to? Or a line that shots off the layout when adding trusses? Or received this error: Span Points selected yield a Zero Span?
The next time you run into this take a look at the XYL coordinates, are they really high?
Within iModel there are specific drawing limits that you must work within. Sometimes when a Dxf or Dwg file is inserted it is inserted outside these drawing limits. The reason is because when View inserts a DXF or DWG file it does so based on the Reference point of the drawing. If the drawing was not set to the origin in the CAD program that created it you can run into the issues above.
There are two ways to resolve this:
If you have imported the DWG/DXF and noticed right away that the XYL coordinates were high you can simply use the move dwg/dxf to move the drawing file closer to the origin using the XYL coordinates as a guide.
Or if you have already added walls and planes don’t worry you will not lose your work. You can use Modify Layout located on the Tools toolbar to move the whole layout closer to the origin.
To move a layout using Modify Layout:
1). From the vertical toolbar select the Tools icon and click on Modify Layout.
2). You are prompted to: Select elements to Edit. RMB for more options. Using your mouse box select the whole layout.
3). Now RMB click and select Move from the popup menu, or click the Move icon from the toolbar at the bottom of the screen. You are prompted to: Enter the distance to move or click a point to move from.
4). Type in 0,0 and click Enter. The move is immediate.
5). Check the XYL coordinates to see if any further adjustments are needed. To undo a Move, select the Undo icon .
Please reach out if any further assistance is required.
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