While starting up the VisionRez Program the license manager application comes up and asks to authorize the program. When the Authorize button is selected a warning message comes up with the first line showing, “-5 Error Program Moved or SiteKey Bad Password at ITWBCG.ITWVLicenseManagerWPF…..”
When this error comes up close out of the license manager and go to the Start button, type in Reset license, open it, all license data, type in CONFIRM, ok. Now open the license manager, select authorize and proceed to activate. If there is none Credit available to authorize, let us know and one will be requested for you.
This issue usually happens whenever the Anti-Virus Program or windows performs and update. Also moving the primary default location of the program or a power surge can cause this issue. For the Anti-Virus, be sure to exclude the License manager folder from being scanned. It is located at C:\ProgramData\ITWBCG\License Manager