Why is keeping your Automated equipment clean so important?
Before the use of automated equipment, it was up to the operator to make sure the machine was set up properly. With the advent of automated equipment this is now done by a computer. One of the concepts that sometimes is hard to understand is how this works. Most equipment has a sequence called “homing “or “auto home “. What this means is the machine will move axes to a hard stop or a physical limit of travel. From there it uses this point as zero or a point of reference. If there is debris in the way of the axes hitting their physical limit, the axes will not home properly. When this happens, the axes will move thru homing but when cutting starts cut pcs will not be accurate. For example, when you home you’re in\out axis the motor will move the in/out axis to the hard stop. If the in/out moves to the hard stop cutting will be accurate but if it does not move to the hard stop but stops 1/8” before the hard stop. The in/out will be 1/8 out of calibration and cause cutting to be inaccurate.