- Open the Edit Tools and select "Move Piece".
- Select the flat top chord as the piece to drop.
- Select the from point as shown below.
Standard Drop
4. In the input field type "108d@6" and then press Enter.
108 = The depth of a 2x4 laid flat.
d = Indicates this will be a standard drop calculation.
@6 = The pitch used in calculating the plumb height of the drop.
Girder Drop
4. In the input field type "108g@6" and then press Enter.
108 = The depth of a 2x4 laid flat.
g = Indicates this will be a girder drop calculation.
@6 = The pitch used in calculating the plumb height of the drop.
Ben Wiechert
Email: bwiechert@alpineitw.com
Phone: +1 (866) 237-2878